An inclusive community component is a facet of a healthy chapter. NVATU organizes events in accessible locations with a broad and friendly invitation. We foster a state of belonging through active participation in fun conservation and learning activities. We do this via regular outreach using email, social media and personal contacts.
We are lucky to have a variety of coldwater fisheries within a few hours of NOVA. From Pennsylvania limestone streams, Maryland tailwaters, and Virginia small streams. FWAM trips offer a chance for members to fish together, share knowledge, and have fun.
2024 Fish With A Member Dates
For members that want to improve their skills. FWAM offers trips based around learning and improving skills. Smallmouth, shad, trout, and much more. Want to learn to fish for a new species or learn a new location? Send us a note and we can plan a trip.
Annual 2 Fly Tournament
Benefits: Supports NVATU programs, Project Healing Waters, Kids Fly Fishing Camp, stream restorations, Merit Badge classes, Casting for Recovery, Stream Girls, TU Service Partnership and much more.
Location: Cedar Creek at Double Spur Outfitters in Star Tannery, VA
Rules: We will have teams of two anglers, with beats assigned by random drawing, and will switch beats after lunch
Use only two flies per angler, Points awarded for three measured fish, number of fish caught, not losing your two flies
Donation: $TBD per team of two anglers.
To Register Contact: Tony Hill
President Hoover at Rapidan Camp
Northern Virginia Municipalities will be sponsoring Fishing Festivals for their citizens and especially for their youngsters during the months of March and April.
Over the past years, NVATU has provided support for each of these Fishing Festivals. The support consists of manning a table at each location to provide fish cleaning services and distributing TU brochures and information. The chapter also provides “Stream Walkers,” who travel up and down the stocked waters to help amateurs get their rigs in the water, bait hooks, net catches, untangle rig aka birds nests, pull rigs out of trees, and generally provide expert help.
Our volunteers assume the rank “Master Fisher Person,” and are looked upon with awe by the citizen participants. Volunteers do require a modicum of diplomatic skill to persuade ambitious amateur anglers that they don’t really need a 12 foot surf rod to fish a seven foot wide stream; that a size four hook may be just a little too big for a 12 inch rainbow, and that an overly excited child can’t really eat a creek chub at home.
Volunteering for these Municipal Fishing Festivals is actually a lot of fun. Volunteers leave with a sense of pride, a renewed hope in the younger generation. The local Fishing Festivals have become so popular that they are expanding each and every year to new locations. Last year, volunteers were stretched so thin that we actually missed participating in one of the Festivals.
If you want to have some fun and help spread the pleasure and enjoyment of fishing to new people, please consider volunteering. The only equipment volunteers need are a pair of boots, a small knife, some nippers, and knowledge of the overhand knot.
Please contact George Paine at 703-986-0862 ( or John Davey at 703-281-5293 ( to indicate an interest in these worthwhile efforts. Dates are
Stocking volunteers will also be need a day or two in advance of the events.
Past Events
Makes sure your PA fishing license is visible on the exterior of your vest or hat when fishing in PA. Meet at 09:30 AM in the parking lot to the left of Boiling Springs location of TCO Fly Shop:
Based on foretasted rain, day/night temperatures, and general weather prior to Saturday the 27th, I suggest we drop in at the TCO Fly Shop to get an update on fishing conditions and any last minute recommendations they may have to offer.
Fishing Overview: Recent rain has made fishing difficult on lower sections of the stream. A slight stain to the creek.
Specifics and Tips: Nymphing is still the most productive way to fish, however we are starting to see signs of spring with Hendricksons and Grannoms starting to come off.
Scuds sz. 12-20
Midges sz. 18-20
Grannoms sz. 14
Hot Patterns:
Near Nuff Sculpin sz. 6-8
Fire hole Soft Hackle sz. 16
Elk Hair Caddis Black sz. 14
TCO Fly Shop stream report:
Rod: Some suggested line weights are 3, 4, 5, and 6wt. The fly fishing only catch and release section can be up to 60 feet wide at Boiling Springs, I'll be taking my 9' 5wt for this section. The creek gets narrower the farther upstream of the catch and release area you go, If we have to go upstream, I'll be taking a 7.5' 4wt in case the upstream section is too small for the 5wt rod. You may want to consider a 6wt rod if you're going to toss streamers and the water is high.
Conventional PA wisdom: In the early season use darker colors. When the dogwoods blossom - lighten up.
Travel distance & time:
Approx. 109-113 miles from Vienna / Tysons area
Drive time is approx. 2 1/4 hours (113 miles) via Route 7 to Leesburg & up Route 15 to Boiling Springs
Drive time is approx. 2 hours (109 miles) via 495 to I-270 and up Route 15 to Boiling Springs.
Please be prepared to satisfy your hydration and dietary needs.
Conewago Fishing Trip
Another chance to join us to Fish Conewago Creek. This FWAM trip is scheduled for April 16, 2019. All are welcomed. Contact Daniel Lazenby (
NOTE: You will need a 2019 PA freshwater and trout fishing licenses.
Licenses may be purchased at
TU Family Day
When: April 14, 209. 11 AM – 4 PM
Where: FAIRFAX ROD & GUN CLUB 7039 Signal Hill Rd Manassas, VA 20111
Fishing, casting, tying lessons. Stocked fish can be taken home.
Follow parking signs to park. A shuttle will take you down to the pond due to limited parking.
SUBJECT: TU FAMILY DAY with number you will a/end with.
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club members also invited if you RSVP.
Crooked Run Brewery Event July 23, 2021